Introducing Ko Ah-sung, Korea's coolest film star (2025)

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To celebrate the launch of our newKorean sister site, which went live this weekend, today we're investigating the cultural influence and innovation of the country's most exciting creatives. Explore the world of K-pop with new interviews with B.A.P,Taeyangand 4minute, meetSnowpierceractress Ko Ah-sung and take a lookat North Korea's life online. Check backherefor more throughout the day.

Korean cinema is some of the greatest in the world, andKo Ah-sungis one of its brightest young stars. A fixture at multiplexes across her homeland since her early teens, the 21-year-old came to international attention in 2006 with the global release ofBong Joon-ho's political monster dramaThe Host. Now, the Korean auteur is bringing out his English-language debutSnowpiercer, withKo in a crucial role. She plays the young lovein theinsane-sounding Marxist sci-fi epic that sees a gargantuantrain full of the last of humanitydrive through the arctic circle forever,yetwhen Dazed Koreainterviewed and shot her earlier this year, it was the success of her recent, brilliantElegant Liesthat our sister magazine focussed on. It's not surprising: while Snowpiercer may well be the film to announcehertomass-market English speaking audiences,Elegant Lies– a small-budget Korean film that went on to gross ₩11.6 billion (£6.7 million) in its first month and has been hailed as the best film of the year so far by The Hollywood Reporter–places Ko as anextraordinary talent for our time. Our Korean teammet her at home to speak about coming star, Barthes and solitude.

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You visited Prague after the Berlin International Film Festival. How was that?

Ko Ah-sung:I stayed in Prague for threenights alone after Berlin. You know I shot Snowpiercer for sixmonths in Prague? I rented the same house I stayed in when I was filming there and stayed by myself. I quite like visiting the places I have been before, and on the top of that it was my first time staying three nights all by myself. I loved it.

Where is your favourite place in Prague?

Ko Ah-sung:Tilda (Swinton) said that Prague has the atmosphere that almost makes it feels like the city is fake. If you go outside a little bit there is a place similar to Seoul, but it feels like it is a pretty set that has been made for the tourists. ApubI like there has no aspect of that– itis the honest, original appearance of Prague. It does not even come up on the internet, and I doubt it is on the guide book or blogs. It is a small pub that is around seven metres square, run by an old man. The beer tastes really good and the food too.

Why did you get a pair ofglasses tattooed on your wrist? Do you have bad eyesight?

Ko Ah-sung:No. (laughs) I got Elliott Smith’s photography book as a gift before. The publisher of that book's logo wereglasses, and those glasses came to my mind when I was thinking of having a tattoo.

You actually refused the role inElegant Liesin the first place?

Ko Ah-sung:I refused to play the role because I was not confident enough.I do not think direct experience is always necessary to act, but I believe that sometimes you have to have had the real experience to act certain roles. One of thosewaslosing your family member. I was not being able to imagine how sad that could be. Then I saw Roland Barthes’s Mourning Diaryat a bookshop and I felt it was like I wasdestined to see the book. I read it all in one go, while I was intheshop. The book was mind-blowing. It does not mean you can understand how sad losing family could be, but it definitely did something to my mind and my desire as an actress to play the role. I read it while I was on my way to the shoot and getting make-up.

I heard you thought 'when would I ever jump into Han river?' as you leaptinto the river for thefilming ofThe Host. Do you think there is nothing you cannot do as an actress?

Ko Ah-sung:I don’t think I can be a bright and fresh-looking actress. I am not really confident in that kind of character.

Do you still draw?

Ko Ah-sung:I used to draw, take pictures and be into music too, but I am already overwhelmed with acting. And I think someone who is a master in one field is more fascinating than someone who does a bits of everything. I met people who have worked for repairing watches for the past 40 years, and I decided that I will do my best in one field.

Introducing Ko Ah-sung, Korea's coolest film star (2025)
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